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Testing Page Post WP Update

Block Testing (H1)

This is to confirm that pages can be created, all blocks added, all meta information works correctly, nothing is broken.

Rotman Commerce Houses (H2)

Upon entry to the program, all Rotman Commerce students are sorted into one of the five Houses, Bedford, Devonshire, Galbraith, Harbord, and Madison. Each House has a committee of students dedicated to planning a year of community-building, inclusive, and fun activities for all students at RC!

Feature Block


Accordion Block

It appears there is more space between each accordion than on production: This has now been fixed.

Send us your job posting and we’ll share it with our students. You can collect applications though our office, which we then share with you, or you can request that students apply directly through your website.

We manage all logistics, including room bookings, audio-visual requirements, and event registration. We also ensure your event is marketed to your target audience.

On-site interview rooms are available free of charge, and we can assist with scheduling interviews (both on and off-campus).

RC Career Journey
RC Career Journey

Staff Block

Mary Giamos

Mary Giamos

Associate Director, Careers – Education & Coaching

Aman Chohan

Aman Chohan

Assistant Director, Student Life – Community & Student Development

Linnet Kocheril

Linnet Kocheril

Assistant Director, Student Life – Experiential Learning and Leadership

Slider Block

Column 1Column 2
Row 2Row 2
Row 3Row 3

Teach a man to fish….

Some philospher

Tester Two

Director of Music test

416-123-1234 test test

“When I received this scholarship, it reminded me that I have what it takes to achieve anything I set my mind to…It reminded me to believe in myself.”

– the person who said it

Reminder: buttons look rounded on back end, but they are square cornered on the front-end

Navi Mental Health Wayfinder