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3 career tips to develop your career journey

In part two of our three-part series, we’re sharing three more tips from RC Career Services on how to position yourself for success in the new year!

RC Career Tips
The RC Career Journey

Where are you on your RC Career Journey? RC career educators Mary Giamos and Mollo Miller explain that it’s an ongoing and exploratory process that will help you discover your strengths, develop a professional toolkit of resources to help you communicate your strengths to potential employers, and build career management skills, and gain relevant and transferable experiences. The result – a meaningful and rewarding career.

Now that you’ve kickstarted your RC career journey through discovery, here are three career tips to help develop your RC career journey!


1. Build relationships before you need them 

Connect with individuals with whom you have shared experiences: those who’ve attended the same events as you, neighbours, family, friends, alumni. These conversations will give you insights about career trajectories and often will open doors to future professional support.

You can also join Ten Thousand Coffees – a U of T wide networking platform. Additionally, consult with a career educator about joining RC LINK to connect with RC alumni.

2. Build your professional toolkit

RC Career Services offers a wide range of career webinars and resources to help you create the resources you need to communicate your skills, experiences, and professional brand. These include resume and cover letter building, preparing an effective LinkedIn profile, creating an authentic personal brand, developing interview strategies, and practicing authentic networking. For more details on events, check out the events calendar on RC Portal.

3. Strengthen your career management skills

This includes gaining knowledge of employment rights and responsibilities, preparing a strategy to navigate disclosure of a disability, and then requesting workplace accommodations. Equally important, engage with resources and support systems to maintain hope, perseverance, and optimism. Your career educator can offer you support and guidance with all these aspects.

Stay tuned for the final part of career tips on gaining the experience you need to succeed in your career journey!

January 11, 2022

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