Five tips for exam success
Take advantage of a range of resources as you prepare for your exams! RC Academic Peers Victoria Chang and Jordan Stewart-Kuppek share tips and tricks to set yourself up for success this exam season.

Prioritize your health and wellbeing
Exam season is no exception to prioritizing your mental and physical health. Victoria and Jordan emphasize the importance of remembering to take care of yourself. They advise to “take extra breaks, drink lots of water, and stay calm, cool and collected.” Getting enough rest the night before an exam is just as critical to your success as making sure you’re comfortable with the course content.
Boost your productivity at a study hub
RC study hubs are a great opportunity to meet and connect with fellow students who are preparing for the exam season! They offer a scheduled time and space to prepare for exams and complete your coursework. For Victoria and Jordan, study hubs are a way to “build a sense of solidarity among your peers.”
Register for a study hub via Portal > events calendar.
Check out the U of T Academic Success Quercus course
Victoria and Jordan apply the U of T Arts & Science Academic Success Quercus course into their own study habits. “I’ve found this resource really helpful in balancing my academic responsibilities and keeping everything in check,” said Victoria. Jordan adds that he found the course “particularly helpful in first year for overcoming the transition to university-level academics.”
Learn more about this U of T online course.
Connect with RC’s Academic Peers
Victoria and Jordan know the benefits of the Academic Peer program in developing productive study habits and setting realistic goals firsthand. They encourage students to connect with the Academic Peers “if you have any further questions about the program, RC resources, or setting yourself up for success at Rotman Commerce.” Make sure to take advantage of the Academic Peers, as they are here to support and guide you throughout your time at RC!
Connect with RC’s Academic Peers.
Improve your writing skills with the RC Centre for Professional Skills
Ace your final papers and presentations with the help of the Rotman Commerce Centre for Professional Skills! This resource offers both individual and group appointments for writing and presentation skills coaching to help set you up for success in your RSM courses.
Book an appointment by logging in to and selecting “Rotman Commerce Centre for Professional Skills”.
December 1, 2021